1987 The Fourth Protocol

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Ben played Professor Krilov’s son but when I asked him about it he told me:

I was in one scene which didn’t make the final edit!” What a pity!

I would have liked to see at least a picture from the making of…

0The Fourth Protocol



Year 1987 in goldeneyedossier.blogspot.it

“Something Wicked This Way Comes” and “Way Out Of Order” programmes

<<The Fourth Protocol [by Frederick Forsyth] was published in 1984 and involves renegade elements within the Soviet Union attempting to plant a nuclear bomb near an American airbase in the UK, intending to influence the upcoming British elections and lead to the election of an anti-NATO, anti-American, anti-nuclear, pro-soviet Labour government. The Fourth Protocol was later filmed, starring Pierce Brosnan and Michael Caine, in 1987. All the political content was removed from the film, which took a lot away from the original story.>> biographies123.blogspot.it/2007_11_28_archive.html