2003 Three Sisters

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Ben plays the Lt. Col. Aleksandr Ignatyevich Vershinin

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play by Anton Chekhov (1900)

Lyttelton Theatre, Royal National Theatre, London



“Three Sisters, National Theatre: Lyttelton, London” by Rhoda Koenig (Monday, 18 August 2003) Independent.co.uk


http://www.nationaltheatre.org.uk/?lid=4887&dspl=reviews several reviews:

Daily Mail, Michael Coveney, 13.08.03    <<[…] Ben Daniels, an outstanding Vershinin with true military bearing and habitually understated self-pity, arrives with a bunch of lilies and the line, ‘I have the honour to present myself.’>>

Daily Mirror, Kevin O’Sullivan, 13.08.03   <<[…] For Masha – played with emotional power by Eve Best – respite from her miserable marriage to teacher Kulygin (Angus Wright) comes in the form of a passionate affair with the dashing colonel Vershinin (Ben Daniels). Last night’s show explored the darker side of Chekhov’s masterpiece. And it did it brilliantly.>>

Guardian, Maddy Costa, 14.08.03   <<[…] Her composition of each scene is painterly and atmospheric. Mitchell excels in the tiny details, the brief flares of emotion that can scorch a life, scarring it for ever. Every glance between Eve Best’s frustrated, disappointed Masha and Ben Daniels’ careless Vershinin is electrifying.>>

Daily Telegraph, Charles Spencer, 14.08.03  <<[…] With equally fine performances from Ben Daniels (Vershinin), Paul Hilton (Tuzenbach) and Patrick Godfrey as that most cynical of drunks, Dr Chebutykin, this is a Chekhov to cherish. […]>>

Independent, Rhoda Koenig, 18.08.03   <<[…] The cast is superb. The scenes between Masha (Eve Best) and Ben Daniels’s Vershinin throb with a real erotic charge. […]>>

Observer, Liz Hoggard, 17.08.03  <<[…] Played by Ben Daniels, arguably Britain’s most versatile actor, Vershinin is a study in understated self-pity. […]>>


http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/theatre-dance/reviews/three-sisters-national-theatre-lyttelton-london-536281.html Review by Rhoda Koenig (Monday, 18 August 2003)

[…] The scenes between Masha (Eve Best) and Ben Daniels‘s Vershinin throb with a real erotic charge – especially the one in which Vershinin declares himself, and the astonished Masha automatically tells him to stop and then, after a moment, to go on. When the company enters, they sit apart in the darkened room, and you can see them begin to create their own little world as he lights a pre-coital cigarette. […]


